Fee Schedule

Please note: There is a 2-hour minimum reservation for all persons/organizations renting the mission property.

A $10.00 refundable key deposit for members and non-members is required at the time of the reservation.

A $100.00 refundable cleaning deposit is also due at the time of the reservation.
           The cleaning deposit will be refunded after a member of the property team has deemed the property cleaned and satisfactory.

You can expect refunds on deposits by mail within 1 to 2 weeks after your event.


Revised Fee Schedule as of 4/15/23

Active Members* of St. Paul Lutheran Church and Non-Profit Organizations**
       *An active member is defined as confirmed, communing, and contributing annually and in overall good standing with St. Paul Lutheran Church
       **For the purpose of employee/volunteer appreciation or similar events

Non-Refundable Deposit (Includes 2-hour minimum) Per Additional Hour (after 2 hours)
$60.00 $30.00





Inactive or Non-Members and For-Profit Organizations

Non-Refundable Deposit (includes 2-hour minimum) Per Additional Hour (after 2 hours)
$120.00 $60.00